Community Reference Group - Terms of Reference
The Fingerboards Project will access a nationally significant deposit of critical minerals and rare earth elements that are vital to support new technologies in renewable energy, computing, defence and medical science.
Gippsland Critical Minerals (GCM) is committed to developing the Fingerboards mineral deposit in a way that delivers real value and benefit for the communities and people of Gippsland and respects the important environmental, cultural, and economic values of the region.
1. Purpose
The Community Reference Group (CRG) for the Fingerboards Mine Project (the Project) serves as a vital link between the project team and the local community. Its purpose is to foster transparent, inclusive, meaningful and constructive engagement, ensuring the community’s views, concerns, and aspirations help shape key project milestones.
2. Objectives
The CRG aims to:
Facilitate Two-Way Communication: Create an open forum for sharing project updates and receiving community feedback.
Address Community Concerns: Provide a platform for residents to raise ideas, concerns, and suggestions.
Enhance Project Understanding: Leverage local knowledge and expertise as an input to project decision-making.
Promote Collaboration: Encourage partnerships between the project, local businesses, and community groups.
Focus on Sustainability: Provide insights on environmental, social, and economic impacts, ensuring the project aligns with community values and sustainable practices.
3. Role and Authority
The CRG is an advisory body without decision-making authority. However, its insights will inform project planning, operational, and rehabilitation strategies. Feedback and updates on how community input has influenced the project will be regularly communicated.
4. Membership and Appointment
4.1 Composition
The CRG will comprise of 8 to 10 external members, appointed for a term of two years and includes:
Independent Chairperson (the Chair): Oversees meetings and ensures respectful, unbiased facilitation.
Project Representatives: Senior team members from the Project and relevant contractors.
Local Government Representatives: Elected officials or staff from East Gippsland Shire Council and Wellington Shire Council (one representative each).
Community Representatives: Individuals from different geographic locations, age groups, genders, and community organisations.
Industry and Business Representatives: Participants from local business groups and industry associations.
Specialists: Subject-matter experts invited on an ad-hoc basis to provide technical insights.
4.2 Selection Process
GCM will appoint an Independent Chair with expertise in facilitation, impartiality, and experience with similar projects.
The selection process for members will involve:
Call for Expressions of Interest: GCM will announce an open call for self-nominations and nominations by local organisations through community notices, social media, and local newspapers. GCM will provide clear criteria for eligibility.
Evaluation and Shortlisting: Applications will be assessed using predefined criteria, including geographic representation, age, gender, expertise, and alignment with the group’s purpose. Candidates shall be shortlisted to ensure a balanced and inclusive group.
Final Appointment: Selection shall be made and finalised through a transparent review process by the GCM project team, the Chair, and one representative each from East Gippsland Shire Council and Wellington Shire Council.
4.3 Membership Expectations
Members must:
Prioritise representing broad community interests.
Commit to attending at least 75% of meetings annually.
Adhere to the Code of Conduct outlined in these Terms of Reference.
5. Meeting Procedures
All CRG members are required to:
Engage constructively and respectfully during meetings, ensuring that:
All members are respectful of others' values, opinions, and perspectives.
Members conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times.
Discussions are free of personal attacks, and differing viewpoints are acknowledged and valued.
Disclose any actual or perceived conflicts of interest promptly to the Chair and abstain from discussions or decisions where such conflicts exist.
Uphold the reputation and integrity of the CRG and its members.
5.1 Frequency
Meetings will be held quarterly or as required based on project needs. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the Chair’s discretion.
5.2 Attendance
Attendance is limited to CRG members, project representatives, and invited guests or specialists.
A member who is unable to attend at least 75% of annually may at the discretion of GCM have their membership revoked. A member who misses two consecutive meetings without a formal apology may, at the discretion of GCM, have their membership revoked.
5.3 Agenda and Documentation
The project team will be responsible for providing secretariat services and will prepare and distribute agendas, background papers, and minutes before each meeting.
Members can request topics to be included in the agenda by notifying the Chair in advance.
The agenda will be distributed at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Minutes will be documented for each meeting and distributed to members within 10 working days.
5.4 Meeting Facilitation & Voting
The Chair will ensure meetings are conducted in a respectful and inclusive manner.
There will be no official voting process, although all members shall have equal voting rights. The Chair may cast a vote. Majority and minority opinions will be reflected in the meeting minutes.
5.4 Meeting Quorum
A majority of the members constitutes a quorum. If at any CRG meeting a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting will be deemed adjourned.
6. Key Topics for Discussion
The CRG will focus on:
Environmental management, including biodiversity, water use, noise, and dust control.
Social and economic benefits, including local employment and procurement.
Public health and safety measures.
Landscape rehabilitation and post-project land use.
Communication strategies and updates on project milestones.
Making recommendations on a short=list of prospective funding recipients of the project's Community Grants Program.
7. Reporting and Accountability
The CRG will provide recommendations to the project team, documented in meeting minutes. The project team will report back on how CRG feedback has influenced project decisions and outcomes.
8. Confidentiality
Members will be required to sign confidentiality agreements and must treat information they receive as confidential unless otherwise advised. Members should not use confidential information other than for the purpose of performing their function as a member of the CRG.
9. Support and Reimbursement
While membership is voluntary, the project will reimburse CRG members for reasonable expenses incurred, such as travel and childcare, to encourage participation from all community segments.
10. Resignations
All resignations from members of the CRG are to be submitted in writing to the CEO of Gippsland Critical Minerals.
11. Code of Conduct
All CRG members are required to:
Engage constructively and respectfully during meetings, ensuring that:
All members are respectful of others' values, opinions, and perspectives.
Members conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times.
Discussions are free of personal attacks, and differing viewpoints are acknowledged and valued.
Disclose any actual or perceived conflicts of interest promptly to the Chair and abstain from discussions or decisions where such conflicts exist.
Uphold the reputation and integrity of the CRG and its members.
12. Review and Variation
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every two years or as needed to reflect the changing needs of the project and community.
Changes to the Terms of Reference require consultation with CRG members and written approval from the project team.
We want to hear from you
Gippsland Critical Minerals is committed to open engagement and communication. Whether you have a question, a suggestion, or simply want to learn more, we want to hear from you.
Call us on 1800 791 396 or email